Interchange- Fashion Design, Creative Writing and Screenprinting

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Interchange, a two day period where we get to try new things.

My first day was spent doing Fashion, however I was an hour late as some of the emails gave the wrong time, so I missed a lot of the illustrative content, which was my main reason fo going, and sadly, I couldn't pick up in five minutes what was taught in an hour, but we watched runway shows, were told about basic fashion illustration proportions and got to design and draw our own outfits, I misunderstood what we supposed to be doing whilst watching as I was late.

We were meant to have rendered materials and sketched what we saw quickly. I did really enjoy the process, its just such a shame I couldn't perform as well as I wanted to having missed a lot of content. However, this is something I have an interest in and nothing is stopping me exploring, sketching and designing clothes and doing this activity myself.

We were then told to choose an element of fire, water, earth or wing and do an illustrative fashion portrait, I picked water/wind, this might be something I explore digitally over summer soon.

We then got given a lot of calico, and had to craft outfits out of via pinning, cutting, folding and painting.

The idea was to co operate with other members from other courses and all smother the calico in inks and paint. However, I was the only one in my group happy to work, so as I used ink, my team mates sat and chat, so ours really didn't looked finished, I should have really stepped my game up here.

Whilst the overall experience really didn't go too well and I'm not happy with any of the work produced, I have been given some insight into another world, way of working and topic that I'd like to explore and practice further. Im really interested in fashion and costume design and loved all the work that we were shown from these companies, I'd love to design expressive characters with elaborate costumes, so this should definetly be used as a starting point for personal practice.

The next day, I partook in a Creative Writing workshop, my background a strong literary one. We practiced through word blurts/sprints- writing as many words as possible in two minutes, our journey that day to the workshop and evoking physical sensations in our writing. It was pleasant to return to writing, and there was much information on writing and developing characters and knowing their flaws and weaknesses as well as the strong link between narrative and character, something I care deeply about.

My fnial workshop was a smidge of fine art, creating a sign with screen printed words. Writing down a load of random phrases, I picked something autobiographical before we as a group walked around with our signs as a form of performance art.

Some pictures of myself and others with our signs, I of course look like a complete derp. Muchos Apologies.

 Overall, whilst the work produced wasn't anything incredible, it was wonderful to experience something new at university, and I'd like to practice characterisation in writing, to inform my art as well as fashion design to do the same.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.