Weekly Summary: 8
Adding more graphical components to my pitch doc, I revamped some playbourds with a concise yin-yang motif. One for movement and one for the two paths.
I also sketching out playbourds for the coping mechanisms, discussing how they'd be used.
Escapism would be used to find hidden areas, Lights and paths the Wanderer wouldn't be able to on their own, it'd also be used to talk with mute Notions, opening up to the marionette about threats, hidden Lights and darker, extended thoughts, feeling and stories.
Leisure is used to ward away Ennui, like a pulse, and appease especially distraught notions, giving the Wanderer Light if perked up, even if only temporarily.
I'd had the idea for a sewing needle in the game for quite a while, but exactly what ways you could use it confused me. Many ideas for platforming came to mind, but as you're able to float, it would seem a little pointless. I'd had the idea of being able to create a shield by cording off areas of the map with thread, but prefered the idea of binding enemies directly, sewing them to the level. I also like the idea of the needle sewing the player down, so they cant be teleported by Ennui or harmed by anything else. Instead of the scribble above, I decided to paint this.
I'd decided to recycle the face from a study during my workshop, however above everything appears very flat, so with further improvement...
Added some tone to the piece, which better describes the binding of the Wanderer.
Just now to put my Pitch Doc together and present my game!