Concept Art Workshop

05:53 0 Comments

So I recently started attending a Concept Art workshop, to further my skills. This first week was on Value, using a template and greyscale colour palette. Following along with our tutor, we copied his of-the-season value piece of  a street. Focusing on composition, the pumpkin being the focal point and key values.

Our homework was to then pick a movie screen cap, a Master's work and to do our own peice.

I'm not sure what film its from, but I really liked the composition here.

I was really disheartened by my lack of accuracy, but this is about mapping values and gaining an understanding here. The tutor, critiquing and painting over...

...Adjusted some of the values largely on the railing and the figure, and I can clearly see the difference.

My master study was a cropped segment of a peice I adored from the Facebook group LevelUp.

I was relatively happy with how this came out, however after critique...

I can see I didn't match many of the values as well as I could've done, I'd also picked a very tough piece to copy well with many fine values and details that are hard to replicate with limited values.

My own piece I must woefully admit to having not spent as much time as I would have liked on. I'll have to practice with value a lot more and organise my time a lot better.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.